A Holistic Content Strategy with a Focus on Video
Looking to elevate your brand’s authority and unique selling proposition?
Of course you are. But where do you begin?
That’s precisely why we’re offering this educational series—to guide organizations like yours in harnessing the power of video and written content effectively. You have more value to share than you might realize. It’s all about creating frameworks and processes that minimize the friction of content creation while maximizing your return on investment.
A robust content strategy is essential. It drives business growth, builds brand authority, and fosters meaningful connections with your audience.
"When I hear people debate the ROI of social media? It makes me remember why so many businesses fail. Most businesses are not playing the marathon. They're playing the sprint. They're not worried about lifetime value and retention. They're worried about short-term goals." - Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia
If you are in business for the long term, then let’s dive into the foundational steps of creating impactful video and written content strategy that will drive you for years to come.
Purpose and Goals
Contrary to popular belief, the primary goal of your video content isn’t just to generate awareness or schedule more calls. It’s much deeper.
Your content’s true purpose is to illuminate the problems your company solves. By educating and entertaining your audience, you position your company as the solution. Focusing on addressing your customers’ pain points and consistently delivering value ensures that every piece of content aligns with this deeper objective.
Customer Insights
You might be thinking, “I know, I need to understand my customers.” But here’s the crucial detail—you may not be digging deep enough. Are you engaging with your customers about why they choose you? How they make their purchasing decisions? Are you exploring their journey before they reached you?
This isn’t just marketing jargon; it’s the key to creating content that resonates. Conduct thorough research. Talk to your current and potential customers to uncover their pain points, beliefs, challenges, dreams, and buying journey.
Analyze your company’s unique value—why do customers prefer you over the competition? What’s your unique angle, and what story are you telling? Once you’ve nailed this, you’ve laid the foundation for your content strategy. Now, let’s refine this master plan further.
Content Pillars
Great, you now understand your customers better. But how does this translate into actionable content?
The answer lies in Content Pillars—core topics around which you’ll create content. Select 3-5 areas to focus your content on. These pillars provide structure and help your audience understand what to expect from you.
For instance, if you’re a manufacturing company, your pillars might include:
Innovation & Technology
Sustainability & Environmental Impact
Design & Customization
Quality Assurance & Testing
Case Studies & Success Stories
Choose pillars that reflect your expertise and address your customers’ challenges and desires. Most of your content should fit into these categories.
These pillars are not set in stone; you can adjust them based on testing and feedback. And yes, it’s perfectly fine to include occasional posts outside these pillars, especially for real-time events like anniversaries or acquisitions.
Content Channels
Another crucial consideration is “where should I post?”
This depends on your audience. Research where your audience spends their time and where you have the most growth potential. For example, LinkedIn might be ideal for Manufacturing, Fintech, or Marketing sectors, while TikTok may suit a B2C company targeting Gen Z.
Consistency is key—avoid committing to platforms or content types you can’t sustain. Start with one owned platform and one rented platform until your process is refined. Overcommitting can lead to overwhelm and burnout.
Owned Content Channels
These include your website, landing pages, blogs, content library, and podcasts—spaces you control completely.
Rented Content Channels
These are social media platforms like YouTube. While they offer great opportunities to reach new audiences, remember that you don’t own these spaces. Changes in algorithms or platform policies can impact your reach. Balance your efforts between owned and rented channels to drive traffic to each other.
Social Proof
Building trust is as crucial as building authority. Social proof is a powerful way to establish trust online.
Social proof comes in many forms:
Case Studies
Start collecting and organizing social proof.
At CVP, we emphasize Google Reviews for first impressions and SEO benefits.
Social proof is particularly important on your owned channels, where business transactions are likely to happen, such as sales or landing pages. It also makes for compelling content, especially customer success stories.
CTAs (Calls To Action)
Driving action is as crucial as generating views. You’d be surprised how much more people will engage when you clearly ask them to.
Here are some effective CTAs:
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Tailor your CTAs to the price or value of your offering. For instance, a $20 widget might not require a meeting, but a $50,000 product might.
Your Content Process & Workflow
Consistency is crucial, and a well-defined content process helps achieve it. Think of it as an assembly line: ideas go in, and polished content comes out. Implement project management software to keep everything organized, especially if you have a team. Delegate tasks you dislike or aren’t skilled at, such as writing, shooting, or editing. If you handle everything yourself, focus on getting organized and improving your skills. Remember, the process of brainstorming, planning, and writing is the foundation for both video and written content. In our next article, we’ll dive deeper into the content creation process and explore how to maximize the impact of your content.